
Women’s Mentorship

Mentorship Pricing

  • Cost

    $33 × 3 monthly payments

    Due 3/16, 4/13, 5/6

    or $99 one time fee

  • What's included

    Weekly Teaching 3/16-5/28

    Bi-monthly Prayer and worship sessions

    Monthly Group

  • What do you need

    Zoom app


    Willing and hungry heart


Jenn Phillips along with her husband Tanner, are the Pastors of Abiding Life Collective in Franklin, Tn.

Jenn began as a children’s pastor in 2008 and since then has been a youth, family and women’s pastor. She was also a student pastor at Lifestyle Christianity University and the Director of School of Habitation.

She authored her first book in 2020 “Know who you are in Christ”. Her passion is to see women set free and know their identity in Christ. Helping women walk in their God given power and authority and no longer bound to the lies of the enemy and world. Her passion is leading women to be bold and courageous, while loving others well.